The Ideals of Love Paradigm is a framework of ideas for changing the world in a revolutionary way.
Join us for a 1 hour Zoom program to hear the creator of ILP share the 7 core concepts. Leave us an email that we can send you a link.
1. Joy is experienced when we are centered in the moment.
2. It is our certainty of Love that grounds us to our center.
3. Unloving beliefs corrupt our current paradigms
4. Intentional consciousness is the path to transcendence.
5. These are the foundation for building relationships.
6. We can change the world by being champions of Love
7. Every conversation is an opportunity to share Love.
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Realizing a World of Lasting Peace has been the hope of all human history. We now have the understanding, the connection, the capacity to Love and the abundance to fulfill this long hoped for dream.
The only sure way to break from the cycle of conflict and misery is for every individual to take full responsibility for the consequence of their choices, which affords them the freedom to choose again. Since we are innately driven towards our highest good, and since we are all connected, our choices will be to the benefit of all. This awareness is understood in the IL Model of Consciousness
The solution to every personal, relationship and global problem can be found by developing the consciousness to a state of healthy maturity, a world where people will be tripping over each other to perform acts of kindness. This development is achieved through the IL Methodology.
Individuals who develop their consciousness to maturity are spontaneously inclined to share it with others, impacting the collective consciousness for all to benefit from. Global transformation towards peace can be accelerated by uniting these Love Leaders into a the Ultimate Consciousness Movement.
The teaching and causes of the Integrity Uprising
A colorful, illustrated depiction of the Ideals of Love Paradigm
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